Striving Toward Perfection
Authors: Anand KJS, Setty SP. Awareness 2024, 1 (1): 27-29
- Oct 07, 2024

1. Introduction
All human endeavour is formulated and fueled by the three fundamental attributes of being human – to desire, to act, and to know [1]. Desires motivate all humans – whether they pertain to the pursuit of material gains or goods, relationships or social connections, fame, fortune, recognition, and reputation, or even spiritual growth. Such motivations then activate our human agency [2], the power of humans “to act” using myriad skills and abilities to change our circumstances, environments, and/or experiences. The human agency to act seeks perfection; it lies behind most of the capabilities regarded as fundamental to human functioning by thinkers across the ages [3, 4] and in current times [5, 6]. It is also at the root of Karmic Law, the ancient law of cause and effect [7]. The natural consequence of all human action is knowledge, regardless of whether it results from reading a book, performing an experiment, eating food, or any other kind of action. We may have theoretical or imagined knowledge beforehand, but only after taking action, making an effort, do we gain experiential knowledge, regardless of whether this is new knowledge, or variations of prior knowledge, or altered perspectives based on experience. The coupling between action and knowledge is inextricable, and feeds our deep-seated desires to know, to know more, to know with greater clarity and certainty.
This Journal was envisioned to promote and propagate the knowledge gained from novel research findings, to expound deeper insights and profound wisdoms by integrating knowledge across all fields of enquiry, by ambitiously pushing the frontiers of collaborative and empirical research. Fueled by love for humanity, childlike curiosity, and laser-like focus on the truth, this multidisciplinary, international Journal was inspired by the words of poet-philosopher Rabindranath Tagore (1861- 1941) “Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action…” and, like Tagore, we aim to create a publicly shared space for such revitalizing, creative knowledge. Becausethe nature of light is to spread in all directions, so must this light of knowledge be shared freely and openly among all human beings to dispel the darkness of ignorance, inspiring each one to seek newer horizons in human excellence through their own efforts. Only then will the Journal fulfill the promise of its affiliation with the world’s one-and-only University for Human Excellence.
Consequently, we are launching this as an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that will publish investigations in the currently known and not-yet-known disciplines of science and technology, all fields of the arts and humanities, as well as all aspects of business, trade, and commerce. Unfettered from the traditions of academia, we seek to erase the blurring boundaries between various disciplines and fields of study. We, therefore, encourage the publication of collaborative, team-driven, multidisciplinary research projects in the form of original research articles, brief reports, case studies, editorials, essays, hypotheses, perspectives, study protocols, narrative and systematic review articles, book reviews, and
selective case reports. Consistent with the University’s policy and practice of providing completely free education to all students, no publication charges will be levied on any authors or contributors, and web-based Open Access will be assured to all subscribers and non-subscribers free-of-cost. The manuscript submission and review process workflow, as
well as editorial procedures and publication decisions will be achieved using the widely used Editorial ManagerTM software platform.
In an already overcrowded field of almost 50,000 academic journals [8], how will the Journal grow its academic profile, societal impact, and global popularity? Based on the current trends in academics and publishing, the Journal has taken bold, unprecedented steps to distinguish itself from all potential competitors. First, it is uniquely positioned to publish and
amalgamate all areas of human knowledge, ushering a futuristic approach wherein the artificial and archaic boundaries between different academic disciplines continue to get blurred and/or entirely erased [9]. Publications resulting from outside-the-box thinking, with high-quality, transdisciplinary, innovative research will find a suitable home in the pages of
this Journal.
Second, this Journal is the first to decouple the growing bonds between publishing and commercial interests. The Journal does not impose charges of any kind on authors, contributors, reviewers, editors, subscribers, or non-subscribers accessing this journal. One may question the Journal’s sustainability and competitive edge against the established journals, motivated by commercial interests and owned by profitable publishing houses. We, however, have chosen the path less travelled and propose a different way to share knowledge without the limiting constraints of monetary transactions. Thus, the Journal aims to level the playing field for those who cannot pay to publish their research through traditional means, thus providing a respected, peer-reviewed platform for academic excellence and innovation hidden deep within the resource-limited universities or other settings.
Third, the Journal distinguishes itself through the unique profile of its Editorial Board Members, each one with authenticated academic credentials, irrefutable integrity, a societal focus, and esteemed standing within their own areas of expertise. The diverse Editorial Board and support staff of this Journal have made profound commitments to equity, diversity, and
inclusivity in all it functions; quality and human-centeredness in its policies, procedures, and decision-making frameworks; with honesty and transparency in all its dealings – thereby positioning the Journal for future growth and success.
Last, but not least, a brief word about this journal’s name. Awareness exists at various levels, from the superficial to the sublime. At one level, it signifies the broad purpose of this journal – to promote the awareness of high-quality, multidisciplinary research in all areas of human knowledge. Conceptually, “knowledge” implies the knower and the known, together with the active process of gaining this knowledge which connects the subject with its object. “Awareness” transcends this apparent distinction between the knower and the known because it exists beyond thought, word, and deed. Awareness also transcends the thought-based, rationale-driven, but artificial boundaries between disciplines, and therefore, this journal will receive and review work from all areas of conscious human endeavour. When the notion of
‘I am’ arises in pure undifferentiated consciousness, that notion itself is the person, an individual (the jiva). Awareness transcends these aberrations in consciousness that are generally are perceived as ‘the other’, and so the journal does not endorse any transactional motives of selfish gain from its stakeholders or subscribers. Awareness works equally and
equitably for the benefit of all, inclusive of all humans and other beings on this planet, the planet and its environs, all schools, colleges, or other research institutions, located in all countries and their subdivisions. We implore you to awaken to this journal’s potential and help us usher in a new era of academic publishing.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed during this study. Data sharing is not applicable to this article. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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