Newer Horizons in Human Excellence

ISSN pending

Aims & Scope

Aims of the Journal

  1. To promote and propagate the knowledge and insights gained from novel research findings, designed in the service of human society, all forms of life, their individual and collective environments.
  2. To expound deeper insights and profound wisdoms by integrating the empirical, experimental, experiential, and spiritual knowledge across all fields of human enquiry. 
  3. To expand the frontiers of collaborative and empirical research driven by a love for humanity, a child-like curiosity, and a laser-like focus on the truth. 
  4. To create a publicly shared space for all such revitalizing, creative knowledge, and collective scholarly discourse. 

As is the nature of light, so must the light of knowledge be shared freely and openly among all human beings to dispel the layered darknesses of ignorance, inspiring each one to strive for newer horizons of human excellence in their lives. Only then will the Journal fulfill the promise of its affiliation with the world’s one-and-only University for Human Excellence. 

Scope of the Journal

Awareness serves as a discussion forum for important issues related to advances in human excellence by publishing material on diverse points of view in diverse domains. The articles published in Awareness (including all original articles, perspectives, reviews, editorials, news, and commentaries, or book reviews) are signed by their author(s) and reflect the individual views of the author(s) and not the official perspectives of the University or the institutions with which the authors, reviewers, or editors are affiliated. 

The Corresponding Author of each article must select from the following Journal Sections, including the Fields of Research, Subjects, and Topic Areas listed below. This will allow for the identification of appropriate reviewers as well as their article’s placement in the journal.

Journal Sections

1)    Pure Sciences

a)    Mathematics
b)    Physics
c)    Chemistry
d)    Biology 
e)    Geography
f)    Cosmology

2)    Applied Sciences & Technology

a)    Applied Sciences: Architecture, Engineering, Food Sciences, Forensic Sciences, Industrial Sciences, Materials Science, Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Education, Sports Science,  Statistical Sciences, Data Sciences, Bioinformatics
b)    Agricultural Sciences: Horticulture, Agronomy, Animal husbandry, Soil science, Forestry, Crop production,  Agritechnology, Agriengineering, Fisheries, Plant pathology, Agribusiness
c)    Computer Sciences:  Software engineering, Data sciences, Database management, Computer graphics, Network design
d)    Technology: Robotics, Cybersecurity, Game design, Cryptography, Mechatronics, Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning (AI/ML)
e)    Cosmic Sciences: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Galactic Sciences
f)    Earth & Environmental Sciences: Geology, Ecology, Oceanography, Meteorology

3)    Social Sciences

a)    Anthropology
b)    Communication
c)    Criminology
d)    Economics
e)    Political Sciences
f)    Psychological Sciences
g)    Sociology
h)    Behavioral Sciences

4)    Biomedical Sciences

a)    Life Sciences: Anatomy, Anthropology, Biochemistry, Botany, Ecology, Entomology, Evolution, Genetics, Marine Biology, Microbiology, Molecular & Cell Biology, Paleontology, Plant Biology, Physiology, Zoology
b)    Allopathic Medicine: 

i)    Basic Sciences: Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biomedical Data Science, Chemical Biology, Comparative Medicine, Developmental Biology, Epidemiology & Population (or Public??) Health, Genetics, Health Policy, Health Economics, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular & Cellular Physiology, Neurobiology& Neurosciences, Structural Biology, Systems Biology; 
ii)    Clinical Sciences: Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Clinical Genetics, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Surgery, Urology

c)    Traditional Medical Sciences: Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Siddha Medicine, Reiki, Unani Medicine 
d)    Complementary Medical Sciences: Aromatherapy, Biofeedback/Hypnotherapy, Chiropractic, Craniosacral Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Magnetotherapy, Mind-Body Medicine, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Reflexology, Therapeutic Touch, Yoga
e)    Veterinary Sciences: Animal Welfare, Critical Care Medicine, Dentistry, Dermatology, Emergency Care, Epidemiology, Internal Medicine, Laboratory Animal Medicine, Microbiology, Nutrition, Pathology, Pharmacology, Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Surgery, Theriogenology, Veterinary Biology

5)    Arts & Humanities

a)    Languages
b)    Philosophy
c)    History 
d)    Archeology
e)    Education
f)    Journalism
g)    Ethics & Morality 
h)    Law & Judicial Studies
i)    Theology & Religious Studies 
j)    Performing Arts: Acrobatics, Cinema, Comedy, Conducting, Directing, Music, Theater, Oration
k)    Creative Arts: Ceramics, Fine Art, Glasswork, Graphics, Horticulture, Pottery, Sculpture, Tapestry
l)    Vocational Arts: Assembly line, Cosmetology, Child Life, Child Care, Electrical, Esthetics, Plumbing, Printing, Styling, Welding
m)    Traditional Knowledge Systems: Astrology, Spirituality, Vedic Studies, Yogic Practices

6)    Business & Commerce

a)    Accounting
b)    Actuarial Sciences
c)    Business Administration
d)    Business Analytics
e)    Business & Corporate Strategy 
f)    Entrepreneurship
g)    Finance
h)    HR Management
i)    Industrial & Organizational Psychology
j)    Insurance & Investing
k)    International Trade & Business
l)    Logistics & Supply-Chain Management
m)    Management Science
n)    Management Information Systems
o)    Market Research
p)    Operations Management
q)    Organizational Behavior
r)    Public Relations
s)    Real Estate Management
t)    Sales & Marketing 

All published items are assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) and are citable, whereas video or audio files, posters, and slide presentations are published online as Supplementary Materials and available in the Awareness repository. The statements, opinions, and the data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not owned by SSSUHE or the journal.  SSSUHE, its directors, officers, trustees, and the journal editor(s) disclaim responsibility or liability for any loss or injury to people, property, reputation, standing, of actual or potential, tangible or intangible, property or possessions of any kind that result(s) from the ideas, methods, instructions, products, or other materials published in the journal content.